Recent Posts

  1. Advent of Code with Deno and TypeScript

    In which I try Deno, and like it a lot

  2. How To Improve Everything

    Faster feedback loops make everything better

  3. The Process That Kept Dying

    A memory leak murder mystery

  4. The internet needs your weird little blog

    Write more. Even if it's terrible. Even if no one reads it.

  5. You Probably *Do* Need ESLint-Prettier

    Fewer moving parts, fewer broken pieces

  6. My talk at EmberConf 2020

    Virtual EmberConf 2020: Taming the Beast: Managing a really ambitious codebase by Luke Deniston

  7. How To Write A Really, *Really* Ambitious SPA in 2019

    Using ember-engines and yarn workspaces to maximize happiness.

  8. Ember + WebAssembly Just Got Way Easier

    WebAssembly is probably the most exciting and frustrating technology to come around in a while. Ember now makes it easy.

  9. The Eight Ember Addons I Use On Every Project

    The depth and breadth of the Ember addon ecosystem can be overwhelming to novice developers. Installing a new addon c...

  10. A Debugging Story

    Debugging is arguably the most important skill in a programmers toolkit, yet it's almost never talked about in techni...

  11. A Goodbye Letter to Objective-C

    I’ll never forget my first reaction to Objective-C. It made me angry.

  12. Real World NSCoding

    The code the project needs, but not the one it deserves